Source - Fund - Accelerate
We Source Great Companies
Student teams of 2-3 from the Deal Flow pod source early stage companies founded by UM students, alumni, and those who are building great businesses within our network.
Due Diligence
Teams conduct extensive due diligence with startups, gathering information on the product, target market, revenue model, cost of acquisition, scalability and various other factors. Teams then
speak to the founders and evaluate the startup holistically. Finally, teams create an investment memo for a startup they have conviction for.
Vote & Pass
Each team presents their memo to the entire Deal Flow pod. All members of the Deal Flow pod then review and discuss the companies presented and vote to pass them to our VC partners or the Fund pod.
Source - Fund - Accelerate
$100K For Startups
We invest out of our evergreen venture fund to startups we find could use some "barrier busting" capital in the early stage of their venture.
Student Run
UpRound members are the sole decision makers when making investment decisions, including deal terms and check sizes.
Community Supported
UpRound Fund is made up of capital from the University of Michigan, community partners, alumni, and partnered VC firms to be allocated over a five year period.
Source - Fund - Accelerate
Startup Consulting
Teams of 3-4 UpRound members work closely with early-stage startups we have funded or believe in to tackle fundraising and growth projects over the semester to take them to the next level.
Our Services
We help startups scope out strategies and perform analyses to gain a better understanding of their target market and help establish their brand. In the past, we have helped the startups in our accelerator with user acquisition, marketing strategy, pricing strategy, market research, risk analysis, market analysis, competitive analysis, and branding.
We host events involving our startups and our analysts to foster connections between the rest of the entrepreneurial community at UM and beyond.
Past Accelerator Startups

Past Accelerator Startups

We learn by doing.
As a highly-focused impact-driven organization, UpRound is split into three operating pods: Deal Flow, Fund, and Accelerator. Pods enable every member to develop actual skills and work with actual startups and VC firms to solve real world problems. Members are able to rotate pods between semesters, granting exposure to all areas of venture capital and startups.